The Mark Books

Known in the barrows and the back-alleys of Ul'dah, between Pearl Lane and the Ruby Exchange, a small 'Keeper' has long-since held the most illusive, exclusive, and often dangerous contracts, for sale to the best coin, the sharpest blade, or the longest reach.Permitted by the Syndicate and rumored to be run by a long-standing member of the Syndicate's infamous ranks, the Mark Books have been made available for request and examination.What sort of quarry will you hunt this time?

The Black Marks

Inside a black-bound tome is a series of ledgers. Names, cities, towns, homes, numbers.Jobs deemed "Black Marks" are related to theft, blackmail, intimidation, or other matters that involve whatever party or subject being brought back alive.Current 'active' Black Marks will be posted below.

The Blood Marks

Inside a crimson-bound tome is a series of ledgers. Names, descriptions, addresses, and prices in neat columns.Jobs located inside the "Blood Marks" include contracts for kidnapping, assault, and assassination.Current 'active' Blood Marks will be posted below.

Submitting a Request

A new office has opened and is now accepting contract work in Kugane.Located just outside of the Ijin District, on the borders of the Red Light District, a small office has removed the last obstacle against it - The Saiban-gumi. With the Saiban-gumi's blessing obtained its new head of family is offering services once exclusively available in Aldenard are now offered in the Near East and Far East.To request the review and acceptance of a job for the Markbooks, please leave a message with a Hand of the Keeper.

[ IC ] The Mark Books

The Mark Books are available for viewing through appointment with the Keeper. You may request to view the Black Marks, the Blood Marks, or both, but are limited to one (1) Mark from each book until the Keeper feels you are a continuing and valuable investment of time.The Mark Books are guarded - theft has been attempted before, but those who try seem to fall prey to madness before they fully complete the effort. Who or what guards them has been a debated rumor, but what is known is that the current Keeper took them from the last holder approximately four turns ago.

[ OOC ] The Mark Books

The Mark Books are a series of RP hooks with light or no GMing provided by the Keeper of the Mark Books, intended for criminal-themed RP characters.These 'marks' are for IC gil and will rotate with job completions recorded by the Keeper of the Marks, and are intended as aides in developing existing characters, organizations, or providing flavor for RP.Themes to expect in the Black and Blood Marks are all considered 'mature' - murder, assassination, kidnapping, intimidation, thievery, as well as other 'illegal' activities will all play host in the books.By accepting a Mark contract, you are not under any obligation to complete the 'task' but if you find yourself unable or unwilling, ICly, please contact the Keeper so that the Mark can be returned to the books for another!If you have a job you would like to see turned in to a Mark, please contact the Keeper to arrange this!

[ OOC | IC ] Contact the Keeper

In-character contact can be arranged through discord, provided below.Out-of-character contact also through discord! If you would like to have a Mark personalized for your character, please contact the Keeper - it would be a most happy request to honor!The Keeper of the Marks can be found on Balmung, FFXIV NA US. (Character name provided on request)

The Crew [ Blackmail ]

Region: Limsa Lominsa
Problem: Deck crew from the Farspoken Maiden are working to mutiny.
The Farspoken Maiden is an old ship and fleet vessel with a sordid history to the founding of the Maelstrom, and has a long-standing pass of activities from the Admiralty. The crew of the Maiden have upheld the old traditions of the fleets admirably but the new crew...The Captain of the Farspoken Maiden is unaware of the current crew feelings.Ensure that the crew reflects appropriately on their actions.Job Requirements - Blackmail the crew through any means to remain aboard ship through the next two moons.
The crew cannot be slaughtered, acceptable casualties are up to two deckhands.

Fallen Faith [ Theft ]

Region: Coerthas
Problem: Bishop Leroux has lost his way.
Of the Holy See, the shaking faith of the Church has led many to begin to sway.Encourage the Bishop to a successful return to his position.Job Requirements - the chalice in Bishop Leroux's office must be taken.
The Bishop must not be harmed.

Pressure [ Intimidation ]

Region: The Twelveswood
Problem: The Woodwailers encroach deeply near poacher territory.
Captain J'dyne Redsteel has risen to prominence in the Woodwailers for devotion and dedication to the protection of the Twelveswood but he's done it a little... fast. Instead of taking stock of the local grievances and allowances that most of them understand, J'dyne is ambitious and seeks to eliminate the loopholes that allow the trades to flourish.The Captain's wife lives just outside of the Druthers, along with their two children, including a newborn.Make sure the Captain considers the safety of his family over clearing things out.Job Requirements - Threaten the safety of Marina Redsteel, Leon Redsteel (child), and Karina Redsteel (child).
The children must not be kidnapped.
The family home can be damaged but not destroyed.
The family can be assaulted but not murdered.

A Little Book [ Assault ]

Region: Thanalan
Problem: The Mistress of the Golden Pearl is keeping her little black book closed to the Syndicate.
Business has rules in Ul'dah, and business is open to the Syndicate. The Mistress of the Golden Pearl, a cunning mastermind known for her abrasive demeanor and her sharp tongue, has recently begun to refuse to allow the Syndicate to access her little black book of guests, claiming her clients are more important.Job Requirements - Assault the Mistress of the Golden Pearl, Jasmine Terrato.
Assault at least two members of her staff.

Missing Harlot [ Kidnapping ]